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Mike Stevenson
Sunday 6th October 2024
1:52 pm U.K.


Hi folks - I have recently acquired a Sony C5 -UB. It powers up, all appears to work - however, it won't rewind tapes. I found this: https://www.palsite.com/slc5tech.html - I'm assuming a 'rewind kit' is a set of replacement belts, which may have snapped over time. I'm going to roll up my sleeves and take a crack at fixing the old girl, but does anyone know where / how I can get hold of one of these rewind kits? Thanks all!

John Till
Sunday 6th October 2024
11:20 am U.K.


Does anyone know if a Betamax tape winder/cleaner has been made and where I can find one?

There are some available for VHS but I r yet to fine any for Betamax.

Regards, John in Australia

Fivos Sakellis
Sunday 6th October 2024
11:01 am U.K.


Hello Keith Wyatt

Have you checked that the tape counter is moving whilst a transport function is taking place? This machine has a hall-effect sensor on the tape counter that monitors tape movement. If the counter doesn't work (likely to a weak or broken belt), the microcontroller will think the take-up spool is not turning and will shut the machine down. To eject the tape in this condition, press the eject button, wait for the motor to stop, and then turn the power switch off and then back on. You may need to repeat this process for a couple of times until the tape is released.


Keith Wyatt
Sunday 15th September 2024
5:57 pm U.K.


Sanyo VPR 5800 new belts fitted.loads and plays the tape rew stops after a few seconds and eject not working .the motor dont spin in eject but loads ok.any help would be appreciated.thanks Keith

Thursday 12th September 2024
2:29 pm U.K.


I finally managed to repair my SL-F1 betamax and would like to share it with you so hopefully it can help some people !

Symptoms : when pressing play button, it read the tape for 2s then stopped. Same on fast-forward & rewinding.

Repair attempt 1 : I replaced the hall effect sensors inside the drum head motor. It didn't help...

Repair attempt 2 : I replaced all the five 16v capacitors (thanks to https://youtu.be/q4GXNv3wQIM?si=GNi8G73QyE8JG7Gk&t=3978). It was definitely something needed but still not working after that.

Repair attempt 3 : I noticed that a leak of a 16v capacitor had damaged a track on the pcb. I soldered a bridge and it worked !

Conclusion : check the track conductance your leaked capacitor.

Monday 12th August 2024
7:03 am U.K.


Hello, I am having an image problem on the SL-200ME device. I would be glad if you could help me show the image in black and white.

Best regards

Sunday 11th August 2024
1:27 pm U.K.



My Sony SL C30 video works in black and white.

What motherboard model YC41 should I change.

The recommendations for the YC25 panel do not fit my device.


Sherry Lynn Harrington
Tuesday 25th June 2024
4:20 pm U.K.



I just purchased a Sony SL-T9ME. It requires a new drum head. I think the part # is DSR-19R A-6762-072-A however, this site says A-6762-075-A. I purchased one from a person in Jordan (I am in Canada) and sadly it didn't work. I can't find any other source for this head.

Any suggestions where I might source this part?

I am really hoping to get this machine up and running.

Many thanks in advance.

Friday 21st June 2024
5:02 pm U.K.


Good afternoon, I asked a question about a Sony sl-hf950 video, I repaired the loading motor of the cart, since the sheets were detached. Do you know if when you put the motor back in, the cart or skid has some positioning? And if someone has it, could someone tell me the process. Thanks in advance.

Sunday 9th June 2024
7:39 pm U.K.


I have an NTSC SONY Betamax model SL-5400 without the owners manual can anyone take a time to scan and send me the Sony SL-5400 owners manual please? Any contribution will be appreciated Greeings fro Mexico

Tuesday 4th June 2024
6:01 pm U.K.


I Discovery some problem with the beta when i connect it to the pc to capture tapes.

Can anyone help me to diagnose the problem?


View the picture,in the upper part of the image in the two horizontal sides the image desplace to the left, and in this part in the right a vertical colourful bar was created.

Any tips? I have try clean the heads, but not Lucky.

I read some about tap tensión adjustament, but i don't found how can i do these.

Andrew holland
Monday 27th May 2024
1:41 am U.K.


Hi I have a vintage rare Zenith KR-9000w Betamax vtr 1981 in excellent shape everything works great for sale I'm asking $1200 for it

Tuesday 23rd April 2024
10:29 am U.K.


Yeah, its only player but is valid to transfers tape to digital.

Of course in the end i search another with stereo and tape counter!. But for 10e was irresitible buy It.

Monday 22nd April 2024
10:46 pm U.K.


Jose I searched and I saw 2 for sale in wallapop, this vcr is only a player, the front is very similar to the Sony SL-C20

I didn't find the service manual but the Sony SL-C30 inside is identical of the SL-C20 but with remote control

You can download from here: https://elektrotanya.com

Saturday 20th April 2024
9:54 am U.K.


Hi,i buy my first betamax video. I found it near my house very cheap only 10e in person. Its a sl-p20ch, when i turn it on the first time It don't make rewind or forward, It begin made a crazy sound clac clac clac. And play sometimes works and another It only play 2 seconds and stop.

So i read all the general guides in the site and i was prepare for the worst scenery.

I open the chasis i put a tape and.. i view the tape "jumping" in the right side, every clac was the tape junping in vertical.

So i think something its really broke in the mechanics,when i view something very fun..

A trident gum wrapper from 1988 was under tape loading bay. So when i put a tape inside the gum made the right be more Up. And the mechanics are not completely into the tape made It jumping.

After remove the gum,the video works perfectly. Very fun and strange fault.

Now i search info about this video, i don't found any info about It in the web. The only reference i found was a Article in a spanish newspaper in 1986 that It begin sale for around 70000 pts.(450e now). And It support Up to 3 hours 1/2 of play(tell the newspaper).

What beta format It support?.

Wednesday 17th April 2024
2:26 pm U.K.


Hello Cristóbal here the language is the English because is the more spoken

You can use the google translator

Spanish: Puedes usar el traductor de google

Tuesday 16th April 2024
2:17 pm U.K.


Buenas tardes he adquirido un vídeo Sony sl-hf 950, ya de primeras, al introducir la cinta directamente se iba hacia dentro, incluso llegándome a pillar los dedos, luego todo funcionaba bien, al parar el vídeo y darle para que expulsara la cinta el carro se paraba teniendo incluso que ayudarle tirando de él para sacarlo, lo mi!smo para introducirlo, después todo funcionaba bien, ahora el carro ni sale ni entra, no funciona en play ni el rebobinado, no enhebra la cinta, gracias a Palsite ,pude saber que el motor de carga tiene un sistema de conmutador de modo, lo desarme y pude ver que en el engrane negro hay unas láminas, en pares de dos, en total seis, que se desplazan sobre un circuito impreso, lo pude reparar quedando fuerte, después de pegarlas estaba ilusionado con que todo iría bien pero nada, he comprobado todos los voltajes y aparentemente todos están correctos, he comprado el manual de servicio y leyendo sin entender el inglés, parece que hay que hacer algún reset, os pido ayuda, gracias anticipadas.

Thursday 11th April 2024
3:06 pm U.K.


I found the service manual of Sony SL-F1E here:


Thursday 11th April 2024
2:48 pm U.K.


Keith Wyattd do you has a multimeter for measure the 12 volts and if has enough current the power supply?

For measure the current use a lamp of 12 vols and 20 to 30 watts with the multimeter serially

(I don't know the maximum power of the power supply but in the specifications appears that the vcr consumes 8,4 watts without camera)

Here there are more solutions: https://www.palsite.com/slf1tech.html

Thursday 11th April 2024
2:29 pm U.K.


Somebody knowns some about of the Toshiba V-8600B?

I found the service manual of the Toshiba V-8600 and V-8700 but nothing about the "B" version

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