A listing of Betamax contacts, suppliers and repairers.

Unfortunately many of the resources listed here no longer exist. Some are kept for posterity with archive links added to the original websites where possible.

If you deal with Betamax or even if you are a user and have come across a good Beta related service, please let us know. We are happy to add new entries to this valuable resource.

Listing key

repairsCan repair Betamax video machines.
partsBetamax parts such as heads, upper drums.
batteriesBetamax camera batteries.
tapesBetamax new or used video cassettes.
sparesSuch as transistors, resistors.
machinesNew or second hand Betamax machines.
moviesPre-recorded Betamax movies.
accessoriesBetamax accessories, e.g. rewinders.
transferBetamax transfer services.
RIP no longer availableService is no longer available - link to archived site.

PALsite repair center repairs
Web: http://www.palsite.com/pcat_index.html
Information on how to service your Betamax and diagnose and fix common problems. Comprehensive video head listings also online.
PALsite tapes for sale movies
Web: http://www.palsite.com/4sale.html
PALsite hosts a number of 'for sale' lists containing hundreds of movies. Let us know if you have a list that you would like added.


Noel Higgins repairs tapes spares machines
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Tel: (613) 97643287.
E-mail: noelmh@tpg.com.au
Web: https://www.betaheaven.com/
Supply and repair of Beta machines, specialising in Sony but other models supported. Trade-ins considered. Machines guaranteed.


Trevor Thurlow Productions transfer
261 Metcalfe Street, Pembroke, Ontario K8A 2V8 Canada.
Phone: 613-281-0790
E-mail: trevorthurlowproductions@gmail.com
Web: http://www.trevorthurlowproductions.ca/transfers.php
NTSC Regular/Super Betamax, Betacam SP and U-Matic video transfers in Canada.

Finland, Helsinki

Uljala Elektroniikka
Kalevankatu 42, 00100 Helsinki.
Tel: 09-604184


Ernst Brinkmann KG tapes RIP no longer available
Spitalerstrasse 10, 20095 Hamburg.
Tel.: 040-30-04-0, Fax: 040-33-60-05
E-mail: info@brinkmann.de
Web: http://www.brinkmann.de/
Deutschlands größtes technisches Kaufhaus. Sony L-750s at 12,95DM and L-500s at 10,95DM.


Molgar spares
C/ Pelaya 2, Nave nº 11
Polígono Industrial Rio de Janeiro
28110 Algete (MADRID) - España.
Como llegar
Teléfono: 91 628 20 72 - 91 628 29 20
Email: molgar@molgar.com
Web: https://www.molgar.com/
Huge collection of parts, including heads and belts for many models. Catalogue useful for spotting compatible parts between models.
Full catalogue: Molgar_catalogue.pdf or Catalogo_Video_vol1.pdf

South Africa

AV-Transfers transfer
Tijgerhof Milnerton Cape Town Western Cape
They digitize new and vintage analogue audio, video and film formats.
Web: https://www.avtransfers.co.za>
Tel: 072 472 8400
E-mail: gerrie@avtransfers.co.za

United Kingdon

AV-Transfers transfer
A family owned business that has been helping people preserve their old media archives since 1989.
Borehamwood, Herts.
Web: https://www.avtransfers.co.uk
E-mail: avtransfersuk@gmail.com
Tel: +44.7525149977
Tel: +44.2089537757
Aaron - Battery repair batteries
I can rebuild NP-11 batteries in any quantity with a guarantee of 24 months.
Salford, Manchester, UK
Tel: +44 1617372974
The Audio Centre repairs
45A South End, Croydon, Surrey. CR0 1BF
Tel: 020 8681 1964
They repair Sony Betamax VCRs. Callers are welcome.
AudioviZ repairs tapes RIP no longer available
474 Hornsey Rd,London, N19 4EF.
Tel: +44 20 7281 7877 Fax: +44 20 7281 7877
Web: http://www.audioviz.demon.co.uk/
E-mail: kelvin@audioviz.demon.co.uk
Unfortunately no longer doing repairs since 2008.
CPC spares accessories
Web: http://www.cpc.co.uk
E-mail: sales@cpc.co.uk
Trade and personal accounts welcome. Good source for video spares and electronic components. They also stock a good range of universal and learning remotes that work with many Betamax models. Take a look at the RC-6.
Telepart & Economic Devices parts spares RIP no longer available
32 Temple Street, Wolverhampton, UK, WV2 4AN.
Tel: +44 1902 773122, Fax: +44 1902 29052
E-mail: orders@telepart.co.uk
Web http://www.telepart.co.uk
They sell parts for many manufacturers. They moved to Vision Aids but no longer operate.
Grandata LTD parts spares
K.P.House, Unit 15, Pop in Commercial Centre,
Southway, Wembly, Middlesex, HA9 0HB.
Tel: +44 20 8900 2329 Fax: +44 20 8903 6126.
E-mail: grandata.ltd@btinternet.com
They sell video heads, belts kits, idlers and semi-conductors.
Hayes Electronics repairs
35 Station Approach, Hayes, Bromley, Kent BR2 7EB.
Tel/Fax: 020 8462 8736
E-mail: hayes-electronic@supernet.com
KVJ Fairdeal tapes RIP no longer available
76 Whitechapel High Street, London E1 7QX.
Tel: +44 20 7247 6029,Fax: +44 20 7247 5099
Web: http://www.kvjfairdeal.com/
They sold all kinds of video and audio tapes including Betamax. Moved to totalblankmedia.com in 2008 which traded until 2023.
Planet Television London transfer
South West London
Contact: Pat Kirby
E-mail: media@planet-television.com
Web: http://www.planet-television.com
Tel: +44 20 8974 6050
Planet TV is located in SW London and transfer Betamax video-cassettes to DVD, Blu-Ray, MP4 etc, using fully serviced machines.
Stanley productions tapes
147 Wardour St, London W1V 3TB.
Tel: +44 20 7494 4545.
They stock Betamax video cassettes.
L750s at £ 3.42 and L500HGS at £ 2.68, both +VAT. (as of 9/4/99)
TeleTape tapes
321 Caledonian Road, Islington. London N19 3NR.
Tel: +44 20 7609 2329, Fax: +44 20 7609 2329
E-mail: teletape@globalnet.co.uk
They are electrical wholesalers and supply betamax tapes
Harrison Electronics spares
Cambridge - Chris Harrison.
Tel: +44 1354 651 416
He has stocks of C5,C6,C7,SLC20,SLC30,SLC40 and SLF1 heads around £18.
Vision Media Services transfer
Tel: 01282 619781
Betamax to VHS and DVD transfers
Wiltsgrove Ltd spares
Tel: +44 0121 722 2733
Stocks of brand new Betamax heads. Also can import other parts.

Auction houses and classifieds

The following sites are either auction house or classifieds web sites. They do not always contain Betamax merchandise but are well worth looking through for some amazing bargains.

eBay machines tapes
Web: eBay.co.uk
The leading Internet autioneer with more than 1.3 million lots for sale.
eBid machines
Web: http://www.ebid.co.uk/
Another great UK based auction site. Worth checking.
Auction Guide machines
Web: http://www.auctionguide.com/
If you've not had any luck elsewhere, try here for lists of more on-line auction sites. Most are based in the US.
Loot machines
Web: http://www.loot.com/
Loot's web site contains all the adverts that have appeared in its various regional editions over the last week. Betamax machines are often present.
www.marktplaats.nl machines spares
Web: www.marktplaats.nl Second hand VCR's for sale, and also tape, sometimes spare parts.
Preloved machines
Web: http://www.preloved.com/
A bargain packed site with over 500 categories of merchandise. Includes a good search utility.
Video University Store machines
Web: https://www.videouniversity.com/shop/
Used to have a buy/sale bulliton board which often including things Beta.

United States

Adray Appliance & Photo Center movies
20219 Carlysle, Dearborn, Michigan 48124.
Tel: (313)274-9500, Fax: (313)274-6874
They still have a few selected prerecorded titles for sale. Will also try to special order the SLHF2000 if anyone requests. (Mainly photography though)
AST Global Electronics tapes
24529 Highway 408, Cambridge Springs, PA 16403.
Tel: 1-888-216-7159, 814-398-8080
Sells a large number of new Betamax tapes. Bulk orders welcome.
Battery Bank batteries
3455 Parkway Center Court. Orlando,Fl.32808.
Tel: (800) 229-9449, Fax: (407) 299-8194
E-mail: sales@batterybank.com
Web: http://www.batterybank.com/
Stocks batteries for Betamovie camcorders (e.g. BMC-110, BMC-220 and BMC-550).
Berger Bros. Camera & Video Exchange machines
209 Broadway - Route 110, Amityville, NY 11701
Tel: (800) 262-4160 or (516) 264-4160, Fax: (516) 264-1007
E-mail: bergerbr@berger-bros.com
Web: http://www.berger-bros.com/
A camera and video exchange that sometimes stocks Beta machines.
Beta Library tapes spares movies accessories
PO Box 836224, Promenade Station, Richardson, Texas 75083-6224.
Tel: (214) 233-4552, Fax: (214) 233-6329
Mail-order sales only. Free catalog. They specialize in just about everything Beta (prerecorded tapes, rewinders, blanks, etc..).
Broadcast Store machines
1840 Flower Street, Glendale, CA 91201. 500 West 37th Street (2nd floor), New York, NY 10018.
Tel: CA 818-551-5858, Fax: 818-551-0686.
Tel: NY 212-268-8800, Fax: 212-268-1858.
Web: http://www.broadcaststore.com/
Exceptional video and audio equipment values, some Betamax models still available.
Carpel Video accessories transfer RIP no longer available
429 East Patrick Street, Frederick, Maryland 21701.
Tel: (East) 800-238-4300, (West) 800-497-7707, Fax: 301-694-9510
Web: http://www.carpelvideo.com/
Used to deal with tape recycling, transfers and stocks Betamax rewinders.
Darrel Campbell machines
Tel: 1(918)835-6715
Sells reconditioned Beta VCR's, with a warranty.
Direct Communications accessories RIP no longer available
Tel: 317-539-7000
E-mail: jon@directsurplus.com
Web: http://www.directsurplus.com/
Used to stock Betamax accessories including rewinders.
Edgewise Media Services tapes RIP no longer available
Tel: 800-959-5156, 714-919-2020. Fax: 714-919-2010.
E-mail: edgewisemedia@edgewisemedia.com
Web: http://www.edgewise-media.com/
Used to sell certified, used Betacam oxide tapes.
International Video Center transfer RIP no longer available
P.O.Box 89821, Sioux Falls, SD 57109, USA.
E-mail: mike@bizstop.com
Web: http://www.bizstop.com/ivideo/
Used to convert from/to any media (Betamax, VHS, VHS-C, 8mm). With any color format (Pal, Secam, NTSC).
JR Tapes. movies
8888 Ridge Lane. Orland Hills, IL 60477 USA
E-mail: JRTAPES@AOL.com
Thousands of prerecorded tapes for sale.
Mr Betamax machines
Mr Betamax
E-mail: misterbetamax@bellsouth.net
Web: http://www.mrbetamax.com/
Extensive selection of refurbished Betamax machines.
SONY parts batteries tapes spares
Sony Electronics Inc. World Repair Parts Center 8281 N.W. 107th Terrace, Kansas City, Missouri 64153
Tel: 1(800)222-7669 or 1(800)488-7669.
You can order parts and accessories direct from them. They normally require a part number, or a good description of the part.
Surplus Traders tapes RIP no longer available
P.O. Box 276, Alburg, Vt 05440 USA.
Tel: (01) 514 739-9328, Fax: (01) 514 345-8303.
E-mail: ted@73.com
Web: http://www.73.com/
Used to deal in Computer & Electronic Surplus.
Tape World tapes RIP no longer available
220 Spring St. Butler, PA 16001
Tel: 1-800-245-6000, Fax: 1-800-322-8273. or 1(800)TAPEWORLD
E-mail: order@tapeworld.com
Web http://www.tapeworld.com
Used to sell the whole range of blank tapes including Beta until 2019.
Total Media, Inc. tapes RIP no longer available
19 Wysocki Place,Hackensack, NJ 07601. 1-800-848-4118
Tel: 201-489-3237, Fax: 201-489-7322
E-mail: info@totalmedia.com
Web: http://www.tm-tape.com/
Used to stock new Betamax video cassettes.
Video Liquidators (Mailbox Video) movies
4078 Foxpointe, West Bloomfield, Michigan 48323-2602.
Tel: 1(810)442-9360, Fax: 1(810)683-0304
They specialize in previously viewed prerecorded Beta titles with a $2.99 catalogue and a $6.99 catalogue.
Videovault movies
Tel: 1(800)VAULT66
E-Mail: flix@videovault.com
Web: http://www.videovault.com/
BETA BLOW-OUT! VIDEO VAULT will soon announce their mind-bending BETA BLOW-OUT SALE! We've got a basement filled with THOUSANDS of bargain-priced, genre-spanning beta videos.
Ziggi's World machines RIP no longer available
E-Mail: sales@ziggi.net
Web: http://www.ziggi.net/
Used to have Beta VCR's for sale

Auction houses and classifieds

The following sites are either auction house or classifieds web sites. They do not always contain Betamax merchandise but are well worth looking through for some amazing bargains.

eBay machines
Web: eBay!
The leading Internet autioneer with more than 1.3 million lots for sale. The site often has Betamax machines but check first that the price is not too high.
ThinkBid machines RIP no longer available
Web: http://www.thinkbid.com/
Was a very well designed US auction house site. Lots of categories, was worth checking for Betamax machines.
Auction Guide machines
Web: http://www.auctionguide.com/
If you've not had any luck elsewhere, try here for lists of more on-line auction sites. Most are based in the US.
Classifieds 2000 machines RIP no longer available
Web: http://www.classifieds2000.com/
Was an online classifieds service which sometimes had some Betamax bargains.

Betamax Repair

Mr. Pat Smith. repairs
(East coast) Dayton, Ohio, USA.
Tel: +01 937 223-TUBE
Don-Lors Electronics repairs
31625 W. Eight Mile, Livonia, MI 48152.
Tel: 248-477-6402, Fax: 248-477-4697.
531 S. Mill, Plymouth, MI 48170.
Tel:734-455-3011, Fax:734-455-3771
Web: http://www.don-lors.com/
Karl Kosower Electronics Services repairs
575 East Line Road, Ballston Spa, NY 12020.
Tel: 518-885-7606 or toll free number, 888 375 2821
Note: Karl is not currently taking many repairs, check first for service availability.
Carlson Television & Electronic repairs
435 Newronville Avenue, Newtonville Avenue, Newtonville MA 02160.
Tel: 617-332-8484.
Electronic Technician Services repairs
1025 N.Northwest Hwy, Park Ridge, IL 60068.
Tel: 847-692-7018.
High Quality Video Repair repairs
6100 Lincoln Ave, Morton Grove, IL 60063.
Tel: 847-673-8277, 847-966-9772.
Beta Electronics repairs
6608 South Congress, Austin TX 78745.
Tel: 512-416-0606, Fax: 512-416-7047.
All-Brite TV Sales and Service repairs
3105 Fondren Road, Houston TX 77063.
Tel: 713-780-3615.
First Electronics Service repairs
5214 Center Street,Omaha, NE 68106
Tel: (800)798-0012
Mail order service available
Mercury Keller TV repairs
1452 East Livingstone Av Columbus OH 43205
Tel: (614)258-9577

Last updated: 29th September 2023