Created August 16 1997 by Scott Veazie

A Beta newsletter: The Betamax Informer This newsletter is called the Beta Informer. It will follow Tony C.'s BetaClub Digest pattern very closely and will be edited, non-automated, and on time.

Members will receive a digest once a week via email. Many are already on the mailing list, and if anyone else wishes to receive the Informer, please email me at, and tell me you want to receive the Informer. To submit to the Informer, simply email what you want in the digest to me, providing it has something to to with Beta. You can post ads for buying and selling Beta, list what models you own, report any new video formats, tell of your past experiences with beta, help with others with repair questions, or simply express your passion for the format. Please send your submissions immediately, so this can be the best Beta newsletter ever! First issue is for Monday, Aug. 18 if there is enough submissions to enter in it. Please send submissions to

Thank you and hope to hear from many of you soon!

~Scott Veazie

Page last revised 29 Aug 2002